Monday, September 2, 2013

Stop And Smell The Roses

Unfortunately I wasn't able to climb the mountain today, we all overslept so we will have to go another day. I went to church yesterday. I'm still getting used to three hour long service. The pastor called me out in church, and I knew that it was bound to happen since I am a visitor that sticks out like a sore thumb! He asked me a question from the bible luckily I thought quickly on my feet, and gave a very vague answer that wasn't incorrect but vague enough not to be wrong! Lol oh well! This time it felt more like my usual mass I go to because they gave communion today. After church, I was teaching the kids dance moves and we gained an audience of passerbys. The kids absolutely love the dances, I hope the kids at Airfield will enjoy it just as much. Today, I am getting ready to go to market to buy some of my groceries. After, I have to do some inventory of supplies that were donated to the school.