Last weekend, I had an amazing time! I had a cookout with some of my friends from town. They prepared fresh fish, banku, and fried egg. It was so delicious! Then we went swimming in Lake Volta. Well.... I don't know how to swim for me it was more like But they promised they will teach me how swim! Then for the evening festivities a dance off! Congolese vs Ghana! I won!!! They were surprised that I could actually dance the way I do. Final Round this weekend!! I will have to be practicing in the evenings! The term is winding down so it is getting very busy. Finals start next week so we are getting prepared for that. I'm also going to form study groups for the children so that they can get the help they need to study. Mostly for the study groups I will be focusing on the JHS. And very exciting news!! We finally have running water in the house! Wahoo! I must say I appreciate water a whole lot more!
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Sunday, November 10, 2013
"It's been so long since I've been on"

All you 90's babies will know my title reference! I know it’s been a long time! Internet access isn’t easy in Torkor that’s why I’ve been kinda quiet lately. I’m really enjoying Torkor. My stage 2 class is tough, they don’t like to sit still but I’m really liking them. We started reading groups in the evenings for students who need extra help/a place for them to study. So far there is 5 boys who come to the house every week day evening. Two,( Richmond and Kelvin) are in JHS 1, and the other 3 (David, Hope, and Godsway) are in JHS2. I’m really happy that they want to learn outside of school and are willing to let us help them. We started reading groups for stages 1-4. It started off a little bit of chaos but we got the groups under control. Assigned a teacher to each group and then Colleen and I each have a group as well. The children absolutely love the reading groups. They didn’t want it to end! We had a quiz bowl Friday, which was so much fun! There was three groups of three. The subjects were French, English, General Knowledge, Science, and Math. Most of the competitors were in JHS but one of them her name is Prisckilla in stage 3 she absolutely killed the French section! She knew all the answers! I was so proud! We had midterm break last week and I got to catch up on my sleep, tv shows, and did a little bit of sightseeing as well. My roomie went to Accra for the 3 days, so I was home alone. One of the teachers asked if I was lonely, I said no! I’m never alone, lol! It was nice for a day or two. And I had 5 visitors over the duration of break so how was I lonely? Lol! I went to the grotto which is a special place for Catholics to worship. There are huge beautiful statues. And when I say huge I mean huge! The place was so beautiful and peaceful. The only thing was that I got eaten alive by mosquitos! I’m really enjoying myself and I can’t believe I only have a month left! Until next time!
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile but since school started its been crazy. The teachers have warmed up to me a lot and are excited about the dance. The kids are picking it up pretty well. Only a week until the performance so I'm hoping they will be ready. In the middle of the second week I started mentoring students who really need help with reading. Some are 12 and are reading at a level 1. The students are willing to learn and even want to skip their breaks so i can teach more! Which makes me feel good. We had reading assessments last friday and it was not good. A lot of them are really struggling. Starting monday i will be mentoring 10 children in reading all different grades. The volunteer in torkor-kpando left so i was sent monday afternoon to help at the school there. I was supposed to leave tuesday afternoon but im still here! The children at torkor are wonderful! Really helpful! One of the kids Schneider picked me up at the kpando station and escorted me to the house. We met his friend Hope and they showed me where i could get take out. The next morning, the children from the school came with water from the well. I mean like 10 all carrying water on their heads. Two young boys Godsway and Confidence helped me to figure out the stove but they realized that there was no gas. I went to the school and the children ran to greet me. I entered the office and discussed with the director Bishop about all I had to accomplish. We went to the classrooms to talk to all the sponsored children to tell them to send their parents the next day. The next day. I ended up meeting parents all day to talk to them about their money responsibilities, 5 cedes renewal fee, daily feeding fee, health insurance card, and the difference the sponsors aren't paying. I also had Christian and Walter sign for their Pagus High School Awards and give them their scholarship money. The next day I met with parents again and Christian accompanied me to buy the provisions at the market. I also bought some flip flops since mine, broke in town and bartered for a couple dresses. The next day Thursday, we handed out the provisions to the sponsored children who came the first day of school boy were they happy! Today, (friday) me and Hope were supposed to pick up the new volunteer in Accra. But the volunteer Colleen called and said something went wrong with her ticket and we'd be picking her up Saturday instead. So i went to school and today was fun day. The kids were cleaning the compound and then they had a soccer match teachers vs students! Me and mavis and her friend had a dance competition with the younger children it was so fun! Some of them can really dance! The match was fun too the students won! Tomorrow to Accra we go! Yay, this Wisconsinite
misses cheese and chocolate bars and potato chips! Until next time!
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Basic Living
This week was an eventful week. I worked hard on the inventory, 18 boxes and I am proud to say that I finished them today! Yay Me! On Wednesday, I went to Kpando to work with the other volunteer John. The trip was about an hour and a half. It was my first experience on a trotro. A trotro is basically a large size fan that is supposed to fit 11 people but really crams about 15 in there. An interesting experience, especially since I made the mistake of traveling in midday. It was literally like a sauna! But, the scenery was absolutely beautiful. I arrived in Kpando and as soon as I stepped out of the trotro I was swarmed by people they already knew I was not from there because Kpando is so small and again I stick out like a sore thumb. I think they are less used to Americans because everyone stared more than usual. John and his two girls arrived and we took a taxi to the house. I thought I was living in basic living already, but nope I quickly learned. There was no running water installed yet so you guessed it I had to take my first bucket bath! It's not as bad as it sounds actually. Secondly, I was told there were bats in the ceiling and I could hear them at night so the first night I didn't catch too much sleep. The next day we visited the other school Bishop Forson and it was a lot bigger than Airfield. They have dormitories for the kids there unlike Airfield. Before I left, we went to Lake Volta during the day which was breathtaking. The biggest man made lake. The trip back on the trotro went a lot smoother after you get the hang of it. Today, I picked up one of my outfits that was done in time for me to go to church. I really enjoyed the service today. School starts next week!
Monday, September 2, 2013
Stop And Smell The Roses
Unfortunately I wasn't able to climb the mountain today, we all overslept so we will have to go another day. I went to church yesterday. I'm still getting used to three hour long service. The pastor called me out in church, and I knew that it was bound to happen since I am a visitor that sticks out like a sore thumb! He asked me a question from the bible luckily I thought quickly on my feet, and gave a very vague answer that wasn't incorrect but vague enough not to be wrong! Lol oh well! This time it felt more like my usual mass I go to because they gave communion today. After church, I was teaching the kids dance moves and we gained an audience of passerbys. The kids absolutely love the dances, I hope the kids at Airfield will enjoy it just as much. Today, I am getting ready to go to market to buy some of my groceries. After, I have to do some inventory of supplies that were donated to the school.
Friday, August 30, 2013
The Best Things Come in Threes
On Wednesday, I had a mini quiz for the students, too see if they were learning anything from my methods. I was a little disappointed because only 4 of my original students showed up and I had three new ones. So, I was only to test four of them. Of the four though 3 got 100% and one just got one wrong. I was happy about that! On Thursday, there was no school because of some political things going on in Ghana. The losing party petitioned the courts (about the presidential election) with fraudulent charges and the verdict was to be told. All of Ho was glued to the tube to hear the results. The case was dismissed. I made tomato soup and everyone was fascinated by it, and kinda confused. They, said okay so tomatoes, water, spices, milk and....? Lol, I explained there's no and that's it. They said no meat? Are you vegetarian? On Thursday I also did all my laundry by hand which was an interesting experience. Scrubbing and scrubbing but man are my clothes clean! And the next door neighbors got a kick out of me hand washing for the first time. They even told me to move a little to the left, so they could see better in Ewe of course! There was no school today either. Today, I went to the Americanized restaurant to buy jollof rice and french fries. I am all bankued out for awhile! I was invited tonight to an all night church session but I had to decline that. Tomorrow I"m supposed to climb one of the mountains in the Volta Region. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures!
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Today my class increased to 11 students. I'm trying to find ways to incorporate English lessons so that they don't have to sit in the classroom the whole time. They get restless, especially with the heat. If anyone has any suggestions let me know! I took them outside and called out a word and they had to run and point out the word. They love hangman, it's one of their favorite games we play it at the end of each class. I plan to give them a little quiz tomorrow to see if they are understanding. I think sometimes they don't understand my accent and they won't tell me if they don't understand. They are good when I put them in small reading books if they can't pronounce a word. I'm really wanting a salad but they don't really eat them here. But I was told that there is one special store I can go where they sell ingredients for a salad. Below is banku and sauce.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Arthur and D.W.
Today, was my first reading group I had 8 students total. They're mostly 10 years old but one is 15. I'm teaching the kids that are having difficulty with reading. They have such enthusiasm and excitement it's wonderful! They all want to answer questions and write on the board. They'll say, "Oh Madame pick me, pick me!" Sometimes I have to calm them down they get too excited. However, I did have to send one student out of the class for hitting the others. But overall, my first class went well.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Two in one
Yesterday wasn't too eventful, I went to get my hair done at a salon. I got blonde braids. It took 6 hours, but it looks really nice. My curls and the humidity were not cooperating. I also stopped by market and this time there were so many people from all over I couldn't even walk. Today, I went to church which was an interesting experience. The men and women sat separately, I've never seen that before. The service was about 3 hours which is kinda long for me I'm used to only 1. I only understood half of what was going on because all of the service was in Ewe the local language. And they go to church twice on Sunday, in the morning, and in the evening as well. One thing I learned they don't take no for an answer too well. Whether it be food, or if they want to take you somewhere. I had to argue for 10 minutes to 3 people of why I wouldn't be coming to the evening service. It finally rained today, the weather feels a lot cooler. They are having an unusual rainy season it has been really hot and no rain. Tomorrow I have the reading groups with the children at school. Until then!
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Yesterday I went to summer school again, and this time after going to the villages there were more students present in their uniforms. I sat in on the class and Monday I will pull the students aside to hold a reading group. The students that I was supposed to help today weren't there, so Monday it is! I went to a chop bar and had fufu and sauce it was so good. But the portions they feed you are so big! I always have to decline food, which does not go over well but finally they agree. They said that they will send me back plump so my family will know I had a comfortable stay in Ghana. I said oh no!!! I must go back the way I came. They taught me to azonto which was fun but I still don't quite have the hang of it. I did some ASA dances and they loved them. Today is my rest day, and boy do I need it.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
I went to the summer school today to sit in on the class to observe the teaching methods. It is very much teacher dictates and students listen. We are trying to make it more interactive so that the children will be more engaged. The class only had 9 students many of the students weren't showing up. The headmaster and I went to the villages to talk with the children to see why they weren't coming and that they must show up tomorrow. We also talked to the elders so that they will push the children to attend. I felt like today was very successful. Hopefully tomorrow we will have a lot more children. I also went to one of the PTA members houses and had fresh coconut from a tree! One of the young boys climbed all the way up the tree and was getting the coconuts down. The best coconut I ever had!
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Today, I had a meeting at the school with the elders and the council. John (the other volunteer) and I were introduced and said a couple words of why we were there. I got to see the school for the first time, I saw pictures but it wasn't exactly what I was expecting. When I imagined a school in my mind it was like a school from the U.S. At Airfield they have some outdoor classrooms and the classrooms are very basic. I attached a picture of the meeting, sorry but still figuring out the camera lol! So you get a collage!
Tomorrow, I will head there again to sit in on a class to see what the teaching style is and how the teachers interact with the students. Since I've been here, I've noticed my Congolese side and my American side have been pulling me in different directions. I think that my situation is kind of unique because of my mix. There are some things that I understand about the Ghanaian culture that I think the Americans don't understand. I think they assume that I have the same way of thinking or point of view simply because I am American. But I think they don't take into consideration that I have a slightly different outlook because I am Congolese/Black. I also went to market today, Stella and Stephen helped me buy the things I needed to cook and made sure they didn't over charge me. Interesting fact, there are no mirrors. No mirrors in anyone's house, bathrooms, no stores sell them. They are no where to be found.
Tomorrow, I will head there again to sit in on a class to see what the teaching style is and how the teachers interact with the students. Since I've been here, I've noticed my Congolese side and my American side have been pulling me in different directions. I think that my situation is kind of unique because of my mix. There are some things that I understand about the Ghanaian culture that I think the Americans don't understand. I think they assume that I have the same way of thinking or point of view simply because I am American. But I think they don't take into consideration that I have a slightly different outlook because I am Congolese/Black. I also went to market today, Stella and Stephen helped me buy the things I needed to cook and made sure they didn't over charge me. Interesting fact, there are no mirrors. No mirrors in anyone's house, bathrooms, no stores sell them. They are no where to be found.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Thoughts so far:
I have only been in Ghana for roughly 24 hours and I have already been shown so much hospitality. Starting from the plane ride to Ghana complete strangers have really welcomed me. The headmaster and his two children came and picked me up and have been so helpful for me to get comfortable here. The host couple I am staying with have been so friendly as well. The weather is nice about 80's here but not as humid as I expected. Believe it or not I have not eaten any Ghanaian food yet, the other volunteers were aching for American food. Hopefully tomorrow I will get to eat some banku! One of my co-workers from Vital Records Karyn gave me advice to keep my eyes open and watch watch watch. And that advice has been so useful so far. What I have learned already from this trip is go with your gut. Your gut 95% of the time is right and sometimes like when going somewhere where you know no one all you have is to go with is your gut. Tomorrow I will go to the school for the first time and hopefully go to market.
I have only been in Ghana for roughly 24 hours and I have already been shown so much hospitality. Starting from the plane ride to Ghana complete strangers have really welcomed me. The headmaster and his two children came and picked me up and have been so helpful for me to get comfortable here. The host couple I am staying with have been so friendly as well. The weather is nice about 80's here but not as humid as I expected. Believe it or not I have not eaten any Ghanaian food yet, the other volunteers were aching for American food. Hopefully tomorrow I will get to eat some banku! One of my co-workers from Vital Records Karyn gave me advice to keep my eyes open and watch watch watch. And that advice has been so useful so far. What I have learned already from this trip is go with your gut. Your gut 95% of the time is right and sometimes like when going somewhere where you know no one all you have is to go with is your gut. Tomorrow I will go to the school for the first time and hopefully go to market.
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