Last weekend, I had an amazing time! I had a cookout with some of my friends from town. They prepared fresh fish, banku, and fried egg. It was so delicious! Then we went swimming in Lake Volta. Well.... I don't know how to swim for me it was more like But they promised they will teach me how swim! Then for the evening festivities a dance off! Congolese vs Ghana! I won!!! They were surprised that I could actually dance the way I do. Final Round this weekend!! I will have to be practicing in the evenings! The term is winding down so it is getting very busy. Finals start next week so we are getting prepared for that. I'm also going to form study groups for the children so that they can get the help they need to study. Mostly for the study groups I will be focusing on the JHS. And very exciting news!! We finally have running water in the house! Wahoo! I must say I appreciate water a whole lot more!
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Sunday, November 10, 2013
"It's been so long since I've been on"

All you 90's babies will know my title reference! I know it’s been a long time! Internet access isn’t easy in Torkor that’s why I’ve been kinda quiet lately. I’m really enjoying Torkor. My stage 2 class is tough, they don’t like to sit still but I’m really liking them. We started reading groups in the evenings for students who need extra help/a place for them to study. So far there is 5 boys who come to the house every week day evening. Two,( Richmond and Kelvin) are in JHS 1, and the other 3 (David, Hope, and Godsway) are in JHS2. I’m really happy that they want to learn outside of school and are willing to let us help them. We started reading groups for stages 1-4. It started off a little bit of chaos but we got the groups under control. Assigned a teacher to each group and then Colleen and I each have a group as well. The children absolutely love the reading groups. They didn’t want it to end! We had a quiz bowl Friday, which was so much fun! There was three groups of three. The subjects were French, English, General Knowledge, Science, and Math. Most of the competitors were in JHS but one of them her name is Prisckilla in stage 3 she absolutely killed the French section! She knew all the answers! I was so proud! We had midterm break last week and I got to catch up on my sleep, tv shows, and did a little bit of sightseeing as well. My roomie went to Accra for the 3 days, so I was home alone. One of the teachers asked if I was lonely, I said no! I’m never alone, lol! It was nice for a day or two. And I had 5 visitors over the duration of break so how was I lonely? Lol! I went to the grotto which is a special place for Catholics to worship. There are huge beautiful statues. And when I say huge I mean huge! The place was so beautiful and peaceful. The only thing was that I got eaten alive by mosquitos! I’m really enjoying myself and I can’t believe I only have a month left! Until next time!
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